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Flowers & Gardens

Create a Viola Wreath

Willow shows you how to recycle and repurpose your wreath using viola plants...

When Christmas is over and January sets in, I feel so sad taking the tree, wreath and decorations down all at once so to ease the pain, I like to recycle and repurpose my wreath using viola plants...

Start by removing the foliage and decorations on your wreath, taking it down to the mossy layer. (Save anything dried that you might be able to use again).

Attach the twine to the bottom of the wreath.

Remove the viola plugs from their trays. Starting at the bottom (where you tied the twine) lay a viola plug on top of the moss and then wrap the twine around the plug and base to attach it. Lay another plug next to it, attaching it by wrapping the twine around both the base and the plug. Keep going until the whole wreath is covered in violas.

Keep the twine attached.

It will look a bit messy at this stage but don't panic! Now we want to add the velvety moss, covering the soil like a duvet. In sections, from the top again, layer on the moss, attaching it by wrapping the twine around. For any loose bits, pin them on with the mossing pins.

Remember that the violas need watering and deadheading every week or so. My best way to water them is by filling a large basin/bath and leaving it to soak for five minutes. Remember to drain it well before rehanging it on your door!