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Wellness My Way - Vanessa Barneby

Of fabric & wallpaper studio, Barneby Gates on how she approaches wellness...

Curious about what wellness means to us all, we’re on a mission to uncover how small and seismic wellness shifts can change our everyday lives - from attitudes to rituals, products to mindsets, treatments to movements, we’ll cover it all with some (not)guilty pleasures thrown in for good measure. Because wellness isn’t a fad, it’s a commitment to yourself, and to feeling healthier and happier.

This month we asked Vanessa Barneby, the uber stylish and energetic co-founder of the beautiful wallpaper and fabric studio, Barneby Gates

A former Living Editor at British Vogue, Vanessa started Barneby Gates with her lifelong friend, the artist Alice Gates and lives in Hampshire with her husband Tim, two children and animals. We want to know how Vanessa nourishes herself while navigating the juggle...

A key part of my day is a walk with my dog Ziggy first thing in the morning. It’s the best way to clear my head before the working day. A walk on my own is exercise and meditation rolled into one – I’m a naturally fast walker, and I don’t ‘plug in’ – I prefer silence or birdsong and being at one with my thoughts. 
What does wellness mean to you?
As a working mother, I think the hardest thing to achieve is balance. Life is a constant juggling act, and we can so easily get carried away with the daily stresses of work and parenthood and lose sense of the things that are most important – our physical and mental health and being ‘present’ for our families and friends. Wellness for me is striking that balance in every aspect of my life.

How do you approach wellness?
Clear boundaries between work and home life, a healthy attitude to screen time, regular exercise (even if it’s just a daily walk), a good night’s sleep, and open communication channels with my husband and children are all vital ingredients for me. I can’t deny that I go off-piste sometimes, but they are my goals and something to aim for.
Any tips on fitting a wellness ritual into your busy schedule?
A key part of my day is a walk with my dog Ziggy first thing in the morning. It’s the best way to clear my head before the working day. A walk on my own is exercise and meditation rolled into one – I’m a naturally fast walker, and I don’t ‘plug in’ – I prefer silence or birdsong and being at one with my thoughts.  A walk with friends is equally nourishing, just in a different way, so I like to mix the two.  Once my walk is done, I can get on with my day. If I put it off until later, the whole day goes awry. 
Of all the wellness areas - mind, body, spirit, which are you drawn to most?
Mind – without a healthy mind, I am utterly useless to everyone including myself. The rest will follow.

Do you regularly exercise? What do you love doing for exercise?
My without-fail daily exercise is my dog walk, but I am also lucky enough to have a best friend who is an amazing yoga teacher ( She was training during Covid and used me as her guineapig, and I’ve stuck with it ever since. If I don’t make my weekly class I feel quite bereft.

How does nature connect to wellness for you?
It’s intrinsically linked. I grew up in the countryside and live here now and can’t imagine being anywhere else. I derive so much pleasure from nature – listening to birdsong, watching the change of season, the flowers bloom, the leaves fall, it’s a natural dopamine hit. Spending time by the sea is always very healing too – @marratons_cornwall is a favourite seaside switch-off that I’ve been visiting since I was a child.


Facialist? And any recent treatments you’ve loved?
Sally Curson ( is an amazing facialist based locally here in Hampshire. Her 60-minute Bespoke Signature Facial is my go-to – ideally, I’d see her once a month, but time doesn’t always allow. Last time I had Lyma Laser treatment followed by LED light therapy to help my rosacea and came out glowing.

A book or author that you’re inspired by in wellness?
Women Who Run with Wolves – Contacting the Power of the Wild Woman, by Clarissa Pinkola Estés. I particularly love that my husband Tim came across it and bought it for me. 

What foods do you love to eat/prepare that make you feel your best?
In winter we have roast chicken pretty much every weekend, and then I make stock from the carcass. It’s something my mother always did, so I can’t roast a chicken without making stock! I make soups throughout the winter using that bone broth, and in summer a lot of salads, or roasted seasonal veg and brown rice is another favourite. I recently met Henny Hayworth-Booth (@balance_you_live_ayurveda) who is a specialist in Ayurvedic nutrition which is fascinating and something I plan to explore further this year.

Any tips for nutritional snacking?!
A handful of almonds is my go-to and something I generally carry in my handbag. (Almonds dipped in slightly salted butter are even more delicious and a little less healthy!)

What daily beauty wellness products do you swear by?
I’ve recently developed some lovely mid-life rosacea – oh the joy! So I’ve had to really simplify my beauty routine and go back to basics.  One product I can’t live without when I’m having a flare up is Rosalique Anti-Redness Miracle Formula – it’s SPF50, and honestly I would be so depressed without it! 

Do you take any regular supplements? 
I’m actually really bad at sticking to supplements, but I try and take 1500mg Vit C and Krill Oil every day, and also love Dr Vegan Menofriend, and Dr Vegan Skin Saviour. 

What’s your typical morning ritual (on a good wellness morning)?
I’m very lucky in that I sleep really well, but I find it hard to get up early. During the summer months ‘rise with the sun’ is a completely alien concept to me, even though I know it’s best for the circadian rhythm. I operate best on 8 hours sleep and getting up at around 7.30am. A large glass of water and a cup of coffee and then out with the dog.

I derive so much pleasure from nature – listening to birdsong, watching the change of season, the flowers bloom, the leaves fall, it’s a natural dopamine hit...

Evening ritual (on a good wellness day)?
Finishing work at a reasonable hour – by 6pm is ideal, though not normally achievable. Eating by 8pm, a long hot bath and bed by 10pm is lovely and reading before switching off the light rather than checking emails or Instagram – goals not always achieved!

Fave workout gear…
The Upside and Tory Burch

Dream travel + wellness escape?
Earlier this month I walked 50 miles of the West Highland Way with my four flatmates from Uni. It was a tonic for the soul. We stayed at @druimarbinfarmhouse before and after the walk which I’d highly recommend. It was tough but so therapeutic and the most lovely way to spend quality time with friends. I also just returned from a 2-day retreat with another great friend which was the biggest treat. It was run by @chloespilates at the utterly beautiful Coombe End Manor in Gloucestershire. There was a bit of everything – pilates, meditation, sound healing, posture workshop, incredible nutritional food and padel (my new favourite sport!). I do love going abroad but there is something so much more relaxing about a wellness escape that doesn’t involve flying anywhere. That said, I wouldn’t say no to the Amangiri Spa in Utah – that’s the actual dream! 

Quote or Mantra?
All shall be well, 
And all shall be well, 
And all manner of things
Shall be well.
(Julian of Norwich)

A quote, but also a mantra I would say!

Your (not)guilty pleasure?